Home Birth Midwifery Care
Complete maternity care for your pregnancy with Ash Johnsdottir, BSM CPM LDM. Her clients enjoy holistic, modern prenatal care, home birth under the care of two licensed midwives, in home postpartum visits, breastfeeding support, and complete newborn care. Expect midwifery care that supports a natural birthing experience with age old midwifery wisdom and the best of today’s science & medicine.
Do you love crowded waiting rooms, seeing a different new doctor or midwife at every visit, and having no idea who will show up when you are in labor? No? Then talk to me. My practice offers bespoke, customized, holistic midwifery care that is just for you. An elevated prenatal, birth, and postpartum experience completely different from the typical hospital or birth center routine. A marriage of the best of modern medicine AND holistic traditional midwifery with botanical/herbal support.
Willamette Birth is the midwifery practice of Corvallis midwife Ash Johnsdottir, who is a licensed & certified professional midwife serving women & families in Corvallis, Salem, Eugene, Springfield, Newport, the Oregon Coast, and surrounding areas.
Let's talk!
We can answer all of your questions about midwifery care and home birth! Schedule a consultation with midwife Ash Johnsdottir or call 541.908.9188 to talk about midwifery care.
Make an appointment with Ash JohnsdottirMeet Your Midwife
Ash Johnsdottir, BSM CPM LDM is a licensed and certified professional midwife who cares for women and families Oregon’s Willamette Valley. After starting midwifery school 2007, she started attending births in 2009. She graduated magna cum laude with her BSc in Midwifery from MCU, and was named student of the year among the largest graduating class in the history the school for her achievements in the field of midwifery.
Home Birth
Never thought you would consider it?
Talk to the midwife.
Read our frequently asked questions and learn more.
Waterbirth isn’t just for a gentle birthing experience- it’s serious medicine for relaxation and relief in labor. Learn more about what some have called “nature’s epidural” and waterbirth in Oregon.
Home vs Birth Center
Home Birth offers the unparalleled support for your natural birth. A birth center is similar to home birth, but with some one else’s home! Which natural birth option is right for you?
Plant medicine & herbs
Herbs have been used for fertility, health in pregnancy, childbirth, and the postpartum period. Learn more about herbs in this article written by Corvallis midwife Ash Johnsdottir.
Doula Services
We offer monitrice & doula services for your hospital birth at Good Samaritan Regional Medical Center, Samaritan Lebanon Community Hospital, Salem Hospital, or any other Oregon hospital.