Plant medicine & herbs have been used by midwives and mothers for pregnancy since antiquity. I’ve spent nearly a decade studying how plant medicine can be used for women’s health. Herbs have traditionally been used for fertility, to nourish a pregnancy, to prepare the body for childbirth, for postpartum healing, and for breastfeeding. I love using plant medicine as a integral part of the holistic midwifery care I offer to my clients.Ash Johnsdottir, CPM LDM
Rubus idaeus L.
Rich in vitamins B, C, and E and minerals including calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, and potassium. Rich in fragarine– an alkaloid that tones the uterus and acts as a pregnancy tonic. Increases fertility in women and men, eases morning sickness, and helps mothers produce abundant breast milk.
Urtica dioica L.
Nettles are rich in biochelated iron, calcium, and many vitamins. Nourishing to both mother and her growing baby. Nettles aid fertility in both sexes and tonify the urinary system. Prevents anemia, hemorrhoids, postpartum hemorrhage, and maintains blood oxygenation. Enriches mother’s milk.”It is virtually a pregnancy tonic by itself,” says Rosemary Gladstar.
Avena sativa L.
Rich in vitamins A, C, E, & B and minerals including calcium, zinc, iron and magnesium. A normalizing and nourishing herb for the body of mother and her growing baby
Medicago sativa L.
Rich in vitamins A, D, E, and K. Aids blood clotting, reducing postpartum hemorrhage. Rich in trace minerals such as calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorous, and potassium. Natural source of chlorophyll and protein.
Rosa canina
Rich in vitamin C, increases blood vessel and capillary strength. Herbal ally for colds and flu, gastrointestinal conditions such as constipation or indigestion.